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Detailed Draft

Editorial Services

Task lamp with clock and plant

“I don’t think the point is to make no mistakes, you know? It’s just not the point.”—Elliott Smith


The point is to focus on your art.

What I love about editing is that it allows writers to completely immerse themselves in their own process.


They hone the story, deepen the feelings, and play with the language—knowing that I’ll help tidy up the details and make it every bit as polished as other professional books.

Hi! I'm Kristin. I trained in editing at the University of Chicago.

I love helping writers feel confident putting their words out into the world, whether working with a publisher, preparing to query, or publishing independently. 

My specialty is children's books, from picture books through young adult.

Middle grade is my favorite!

I also edit fiction and nonfiction for adults, and I love helping with query letters and résumés.

Multi-story library with staircases. Image by Niklas Ohlrogge




You've honed your story, and now you're ready for the final touches.

Polish your manuscript with copyediting, line editing, or proofreading, all while maintaining your author voice. Query letter services also available.



Let's ensure your résumé hits the right notes and ranks well with electronic screening software. This is more than just an edit—I'll help restructure the document so your best information is highlighted. Tricky situations welcome.


Teen Beta Readers

Get a teen's perspective on your MG or YA manuscript with this popular service. Includes the teen's comments and reactions in the margins of your manuscript plus a detailed feedback form. Limited slots available during the school year, so please book early.

"WOW, Kristin, after reading all of your comments I feel like I just took a master class in writing a query letter! Both versions read so much better."

Karen Ansberry, MG and PB author

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Window with lettering "YOUR IDEAS MATTER. Write them down." Image by Mika Baumeister

Let's Work Together

Ready for a free sample edit?

Want to hold a slot in my schedule?

Just want to gush about your story?

I'm here for it.

I'll be in touch shortly!

Or email me: Kristin (at) detaileddraft (dot) com
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