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Editing Services


Once your storyline is set and revisions are complete, you're ready for copyediting. This step polishes grammar, punctuation, and spelling and ensures consistency of proper nouns. It also aligns the text with The Chicago Manual of Style so that style choices match what readers are used to seeing in other published books. I am known for having a light hand and respecting author choices.


A copyedit includes an extensive style sheet tracking terms and style choices, such as which kinds of numbers are spelled out. The style sheet for fiction also tracks character information, locations, and timelines.

This is the exact service I offer to publishing houses. All suggested changes are tracked so you can see them clearly and accept or reject as you see fit, and I send a clean copy as well. The end result is a manuscript that's ready for formatting.


$.02 to $.025 per word

For example:

50,000 middle grade starts at $1000


This is the final stage before a book is published. Proofreading is only for manuscripts that have already been copyedited and, ideally, are already formatted. Everything is in place, and I'm looking for last stray typos, spacing issues, heading inconsistencies, and commas that somehow got italicized (it happens).


This is not a substitute for copyediting. If time or money dictates only one round of editing, a copyedit will best serve your readers. If your manuscript has been copyedited and is in its final layout, you are ready for a proofread.



$.015 to $.018 per word

For example:

50,000 middle grade starts at $750

Copy + line editing

This service is popular with indie authors and querying authors alike. It combines a copyedit with a deeper line edit to ensure sentences flow smoothly.


A line edit eliminates common writing shortcuts that turn off potential readers, agents, and publishers. It solidifies POV, tense, pacing, and the balance of show vs. tell while watching for filter words, repetition, filler, and clichés. The manuscript tightens up so clarity, emotional impact, and your voice become central.

A line edit can also be focused on your specific goals. Need to cut 20,000 words so you’re not auto-rejected? Want a double check after switching tenses or age range? A targeted line edit can meet your exact needs.


Line editing separate from copyediting can also be arranged.




$.03 to $.035 per word


For example:

50,000 middle grade starts at $1500


Query letter services

My query letter clients have received numerous agent requests!

Query letter review — $50

Let's make sure your letter meets industry expectations and brings out the best parts of your story.

Query package — $100

Query letter plus synopsis review and a submission edit on the first chapter or full picture book text.

Ultimate query package — $150

Query letter plus synopsis review and a submission edit on the first three chapters.

Book proposal edit — $300

I'll draw out and highlight the best selling points for your book and format the document to industry standards. Includes a copyedit to make your proposal and sample chapters shine.

Submission polish

Perfect for querying authors, this service brushes up the mechanics of your manuscript to ensure your submission is in top shape. Because your eventual publisher will provide a full copyedit later, this option offers a chance to polish your manuscript without extensive consistency checking, saving you time and money. You will walk away confident that your manuscript is in great shape to submit.


This edit checks spelling, punctuation, and grammar as well as basic adherence to The Chicago Manual of Style.​ Includes a simple style sheet for terms and mechanical style choices, but it does not track character information, locations, or timelines. 

I will also format your manuscript for submission according to current industry expectations.



$.015 to $.018 per word


For example:

50,000 middle grade starts at $750

Shorter works

Short stories, picture books, articles, and magazine submissions:

Up to 5000 words — $100

Above 5000 words — per-word prices

I'm trained in all levels of picture book editing for both prose and rhyming books, and I stay current on industry trends in kidlit. I'm an active member of SCBWI and co-coordinator for the Editorial Freelancers Association KidLit Chapter, bringing continuing education and community to kidlit editors.

See here for résumé, cover letter, and academic CV services.

Very short materials:

I happily accept tiny projects for returning clients for an agreed-upon fee. Examples include college application essays, poems, and business materials.

Window with neon sign saying "What is your story?" Image by Etienne Girardet

​Still not sure what you need? Contact me and ask! I love helping writers narrow down the choices to find what will suit them best, and I’m happy to customize an option if none of these hit the mark exactly. 


Check out the FAQ page if you have more questions.

"WOW, Kristin, after reading all of your comments I feel like I just took a master class in writing a query letter! Both versions read so much better."

Karen Ansberry, MG and PB author

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ACES logo
Membership logo for the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches
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Northwest Editors Guild member logo

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Window with lettering "YOUR IDEAS MATTER. Write them down." Image by Mika Baumeister

Let's Work Together

Ready for a free sample edit?

Want to hold a slot in my schedule?

Just want to gush about your story?

I'm here for it.

I'll be in touch shortly!

Or email me: Kristin (at) detaileddraft (dot) com
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